French II (yearlong)

Note: This class is open to high school students only.

French 2 is designed for students who have completed French 1. In French 2, students will learn to use the past tense, continue to build vocabulary, and become more proficient in speaking, reading, writing and comprehension skills.

A great deal of emphasis will place placed on the oral use of French in the classroom. Students will be expected  to ask and answer questions in French on a regular basis, using learned vocabulary and correct grammatical  structure.

Additional emphasis will be placed on cultural topics in French – speaking countries, including current events, the arts and the French influence in the United States. Students will identify historical landmarks, major cities, holidays and other cultural aspects of the French – speaking world.

 Note: This class will meet 3 days/week (2 – in class instruction, 1 Learning Lab), must have taken a full year of French previously or special permission from the teacher.

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