The Art and Craft of Storytelling (hannah)

Everyone has a story to tell, but not everyone can tell it with confidence and creativity. In this class, you will learn and practice the skills of storytelling — crafting compelling narratives based on true stories from your life and delivering these stories to a crowd. This class is based on the popular live event and podcast series, The Moth

In this class, we will write personal narratives; practice public speaking; and give/receive feedback on each other’s writing and speaking skills. We will frequently watch Moth videos in class as well as attend Moth events in Seattle! I’m hoping to attend at least 2: one at the beginning of the term and one at the end, with the goal of potentially participating (eek!).

This will be credited as a Language Arts class, and although we will write and probably read, the focus is on storytelling, speaking, sharing aloud.

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