Have YOU ever been BUMMED OUT that Nat’s DnD class is invite only????? WELL GET EXCITED, this term I will be hosting a fully open Dungeons and Dragons class (as long as you have mature themes.) We will be going on a wild adventure written by yours truly in the wonderful world of Toril. However, unfortunately due to the nature of the game I will only be able to accept a maximum of 4-5 people so sticker wisely!
This class will accept everyone from proficient dungeoneers to level one newbies, in the first few weeks we will go over the components of character building, the basic rules, we will also all make our characters together, AND THEN YOU SAVE THE WORLD!!!!!!! But don’t think this class will just be messing around, every week (or session as i call it) I will expect 1 short paragraph (3-5 sentences) of reflection, session notes, noticing, or in-character writing about the recents events, etc etc.