Tag Archives: Sam

French II (Sam)

Note: This class is open to high school students only.

World Language Credit

In this two day a week world language class, students will be immersed in intermediate French. This class will experience the language in three different styles; written, vocalization and learning. During each class session, students will be expected to fully participate in speaking aloud, written vocabulary and sentence structure work and active listening to several speakers from several French speaking countries. Each student will be given the time to meet with me, one on one for additional guidance. 

To receive credit for this class, you must complete all assigned language exercises (written and oral), turn in all notes, complete vocabulary work and assigned short quizzes.

Indigenous Studies (Sam)

Note: This class is open to high school students only.

Social Studies Credit (Cultural/Global Studies)

In this two day a week class, students will be studying and analyzing text from the book, “The Rediscovery go America: Native People and the unmasking of U.S. History,”” by Ned Blackhawk. Students will be required to read the assigned text and take quality notes in preparation for our group discussion. The class will cover many stories and historical events that are not openly shares in mainstream historical accounts and will use the information to connect to major events in American history. 

To receive credit for this class, you must complete all assigned readings, turn in all notes, complete short and medium sized essays, including research work and possibly a research paper or larger writing assignment.

Required texts/materials: The instructor will procure the texts/materials.

Black History through Stories and Songs (Sam)

Note: This class is open to middle school students only.

Social Studies Credit (Cultural/Global Studies)

In this two times a week Social Studies class, student will encounter the history of African Americans through the literary lens of the book, “Stamped,” by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi. This work will help and further the understanding of where racism comes from and how it affects  America today.

To receive credit for this class, you must complete all assigned readings, turn in all notes, complete short and medium sized essays, including research work and possibly a research paper or larger writing assignment.

Required texts/materials: The instructor will procure the texts/materials.

Creative Writing (Blogging) (Sam)


English Credit

In this once a week English class, students will create a personal blogging site and add personal writings. During each session, students will be able to brainstorm ideas while using creativity to produce blog posts.

To receive credit for this class, you must complete all assigned writings, turn in all work, complete mini projects, including blog design and other blog site maintenance.

Indigenous Studies (Sam)

Note: This class is open to middle school students only.

Social Studies Credit (Cultural/Global Studies)

In this one day per week English class, students will learn about the history of the original people on the land referred to as Turtle Island. Participating students will be studying and analyzing text from the book, “Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States: A Graphic Interpretation,”by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz. The class will cover many stories and historical events that are not openly shares in mainstream historical accounts and we will use the information to connect to major events in American history. 

Students will be required to read the assigned text and take quality notes in preparation for our group discussion. To receive credit for this class, you must complete all assigned readings, turn in all notes, complete short and medium sized essays, including research work and possibly a research paper or larger writing assignment.

Required texts/materials: The instructor will procure the texts/materials.

The History of White People (Sam)


English Credit

In this once a week English class, students will be reading text and discussing the finding found in the literary work and research of Nell Irvin Painter. This class will cover the history of white people and their advancements in literature, history, science, religions and the arts both in Europe and The Americas. To receive credit for this class, you must read each assigned chapter, take quality notes, participate in all discussions and complete all assigned work, including a research project.

To receive credit for this class, you must complete all assigned readings, turn in all notes, complete short and medium sized essays, including research work and possibly a research paper or larger writing assignment.

Required texts/materials: The instructor will procure the texts/materials.

French I (Sam) (BLOCK)

This is a block class.

World Language Credit

In this two day a week world language class, students will be immersed in intermediate French. This class will experience the language in three different styles; written, vocalization and learning. During each class session, students will be expected to fully participate in speaking aloud, written vocabulary and sentence structure work and active listening to several speakers from several French speaking countries. Each student will be given the time to meet with me, one on one for additional guidance. 

To receive credit for this class, you must complete all assigned language exercises (written and oral), turn in all notes, complete vocabulary work and assigned short quizzes.

Africana Studies (Sam)

Note: This class is open to high school students only.

Social Studies Credit (Cultural/Global Studies)

*Prerequisite (Teacher Approval or 3 cultural Studies classes taken)

In this two day a week Social Studies class, students will learn early, and recent past African history from the perspective of Africans. This history has been colonized and made to be less important based on the people who hold power, both monetarily and politically. The first part will examine the image, myth and stereotypes of African in the western media and popular culture. How does the history of Africa align and shape American history?

To receive credit for this class, you must complete all assigned readings, be actively vocal in small group and all group discussion, take notes from presentation and lectures, turn in all notes, complete short and medium sized essays, including research work and possibly a research paper or larger writing assignment.

Psychology of Music (Sam & Cherrise)

Note: This class is open to high school students only.

Science Credit

In this two days a week Science class, students will study the power of music and how it has influenced every generation, past, present and future. For each session, participants will study various musical genres, albums, songs, lyrics and other musical selections and how it connect thoughts and behaviors psychologically.

To receive credit for this class, you must complete all assigned readings, turn in all notes, complete case studies; including research work and possibly a research paper or larger writing assignments.